The Story of How I Started my Design Studio

Quick Recap Overview

  • How Gossack Creative Began

  • Dreams for my future

5 years ago…

In 2019 here’s how started my studio…

5 years ago I was graduating from college with my Graphic Design Degree, about to find out I got laid off from my internship job, with no prospects, and 2 months out from moving to a small town in Montana with 1,000 people that had no job opportunities for graphic designers. 

My goal had always been to own a branding studio someday, I just didn't know that day needed to be as soon as 2 weeks after college, with no agency experience, very little industry work experience, and no connections with the people I wanted to work with. 

I remember dreaming of the life I wanted in 5 years at that moment… To provide boutique-level work for small women-owned businesses that had innovative ideas, and who were making an impact on their industry. I wanted to make their lives easier and help them be noticed and valued. I wanted to create a branding studio that could create total financial, time, and creative freedom in my work life. I wanted to make it happen in rural Montana while building a life with my husband, building a home together, and pursuing all of the adventures we could find while also making an impact on the people around us. 

So there I was after graduation, with the job prospect I was relying on crumbling in front of me, barely turning 21, battling deep personal grief from losing my mother-in-law to cancer, and moving away from my hometown and community all in 2 months, I jumped in full time to work towards this seemingly impossible dream I had for myself.

I finally was working with one of my first official client who gave me a shot and she cried during our meeting over my failed first attempt at capturing her brand and business. (my worst nightmare come true) I was devastated and convinced I had blown my only shot at making this work, and even more weighted by how much this meant to her. So I went back to the drawing board, listened more carefully to her and asked better questions and came back with another option that she loved. And I kept going.

There have been so many people like her who gave me a shot that first year and every year since who gave me the chance to improve and learn and grow and to develop my processes, boundaries and portfolio to start making progress on what I wanted to create for other people and myself.

My story has so many chapters from that first year until now, with many challenges and failures to incredible wins and opportunities that have all shaped me and how I work. 

 Through it all, I feel so blessed to say that 5 very hard and exciting years later, I am somehow living the dream I had 5 years ago, and have helped over 100+ women-owned businesses shape their brand. 

I really can't explain the deep gratitude I feel for the countless number of people who have supported my business in any way over the last 5 years. I would not be here without you, so from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU.

Cheers to 5 years of growth and to what's waiting around the corner.



ROI of Brand Strategy & Design


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